Does God exist? For some, the answer is in affirmative and for some, it's an absolute no. I fall in the latter category, for the reasons known only to me...But there have been instances when I have noticed the presence of a supernatural power...a power that seems to guide me, and bring solace to my life...What do I call that power - divine or demonic? I say that I don't believe in God, so the power cannot be sure has to be demonic then...but it won't fill my being with love, and laughter and all those virtues ; if it's demonic...that I am sure...It has to be something else...What is it?
Had the supernatural power being divine, there would not have been any grief- either in my life or in this world- the grief in this world being far greater than in my life...So, I have a question for all my friends who believe in God and think that He/She looks after the world: What is your God doing?, Sleeping to glory? : Like I say, had there been God, there would not have been anything that activates those glands located just at the corner of our eyes...and, the loneliness...that creeps into our lives when we lose someone close, someone special, especially when we need him or her the most.
So what's the truth about that power? And why do we need that power in the first place? We are human beings, with a brain of our own, and a heart that never ceases to make that pulsating that the brain gets enough blood enriched in oxygen...and be able to take wise decisions...or whatever!..
I mean, if we have the power to think, if we can differentiate between good and bad, vices and virtues... then why do we need a supernatural power...or God for that matter?
What I believe is that the supernatural power (or God) is not something from the outer's within us...yes, it's within's a part of our being...ingrained in our soul...a part of us...
It's our own doing; it's our own thinking...
This article provokes me to comment, I mainly take my support from the philosophy of the eminent German Philosopher, Leibniz, who was of the opinion that all the wrongdoings in this earth are actually an exception to what God had in mind while he was making it. It does not, however, signify an imperfection in the Art of God, but in the Art of those whom He made. Having an absolute control over the human beings is a byzantine task.
Yet, in a certain way, this article takes me closer to the Existentialism of Kierkegaard (German) and then Sartre (French). In fact, we need the existentialism very badly in India. Ours is a country of fatalists, and we are still unable to distinguish between mythology and History (the Ram Setu controversy is an excellent example of the confusion between these two genres). Not only does that “supernatural” thing exist within us, but all our decisions contribute to what happens to us in the later part of life. Our vicissitudes are just the reminders of the fact that either we are a good or a bad decision maker.
Interesting post , i also want to share my views ..
You questioned , why does sorrow/greif exists if god is there he should take all pain .?ryt
In a school and if a student does not study either he/she should be corrected with corporal punishment /grownding etc . Similar is life ,God has given us life , earth and resources and let us have decision how do we use it . and remember most of the pain we have in our lives are due to us not due to god ?
1.We do have adequate food for everyone . But rich peoples/countries/powerful peoples do store it for financial gains and poor peoples do die with hunger (in african continents lot of peoples die due to hunger) . Even rich countries give debt to these poor countries at high interest rates and total amount of interest is much higher than charity given .. now i am not blaming any rich country or anyone its wat every rich does to poor . for example in india recent property prices boom is due to it .
2. In all religious books its written that one should have physical relations with wife/husband only .But we dont do it causing millions of death due to aids
3. We know we should not play with nature we keep using oil/nuke bombs resulting global warming and may end up earth one day ...
there are countless examples wat i am trying to say is earth is hell because of us not because of god . ..
We all know we have to die , everything is temprory .in 1990's where you are living in 1910's someone else was living at that place and so on .. Old peoples die new peoples born But we still all r mad about career money fame assuming that its permanent its the main reason of sufferings on earth because we work in self interest not in public interest . A doctor will probably not do surgery of someone who dont have money .you or me will not let any rikshaw puller to live in our home just because he dont have place to live ... now thats life ... We do countless sins and we deserve pain ..
Pain and sufferings brings us near to god . And according to most religious books earth is hell and we r here to suffer and extent of suffering depends on our good and bad deeds (karma).
now question comes , its true that an adult suffer but why sometimes new born babies die simple answer is there deeds in past life .everything we do in our life is prewritten , ya we do take actions but they are influated with situations ... like you may have decided that you work in media , but you did not decide where you will born .. now after your birth you liked and dislike things and decided your career so every action you take in your life is prewritten and death is biggest truth of life ...
now how much suffering is painful .. it sounds suffering is painful when you look at it but good thing is time is a great healer .you know birth time is probably one of the most painful time of our life but we forget it after time passes similar is pain of death and then rebirth in life just dont worry about sufferings
wat is goal of life .. i think one should have goal of life .. now our goal of life is to buy car , status etc etc ...but if we work in self interest how will we able to reduce suffering ... you dislike suffering ? why ? because god wants you to help peoples who suffer in any way you can .. so if you dislike suffering fight with it . help peoples who need help . help peoples to lower there suffering .. god exists thats why he made sensitive peoples who dislike suffering and such peoples r the only peoples keeping earth alive ...
now how can you get god ?i have visitied lot of religious places .. i was non believer of god too but now i believe in god more than myself .. needless to explain the things i wanted to change from years in my life someone else (religious peoples did it ) . they just said it will happen and it happened ... and watever they say it happens and i am sure it cant be due to probability its because they pray and god listen there pray and do help me ..
how can you feel god ?
when you help someone with true heart , you feel god . so to feel god you need to do two things .
1. do right karma
2. do pray ( pray anyone , allah ,jesus , hindu gods , sikhs ) ... all gods r same its just like different names ... go to some lonely place and spend some time in remembering him , you will feel great peace and prays you send will defenately get response provided that you do pray in true heart and trust me u will be able to find god .
neways i think i wrote a lot :)
bye , tc
Belief is what does the wonders. Either you believe yourself or you rely on something else. The choice is yours.
Of course, the answer lies within.
To each his own, is what I believe, about faith.
So I wouldn't lecture you nor would I admonish you for believing what you believe.
All I would suggest is, don't reach a conclusion so soon in around, contemplate, analyze 'n ask for answers...
There is nothing you cannot achieve in this world! :)
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